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Crostic Airplanes Level 5 answers

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Airplanes Level 5

Over a thousand Ethiopian Jews were forced to flee to Israel in May 1991. This broke a previous record for the quantity of foreign passengers boarding a commercial airplane. Due to 2 pregnant women who gave birth while the airplane was in the air, the initial number of 1,086 passengers increased to 1,088. In order to accommodate as many people as possible, airplanes were stripped of their seats, and due to the low body weight and minimal baggage of the refugees, up to 1,086 passengers were boarded on a single plane. May 24, 1991 also happened to be a Friday, which begins the Jewish Shabbat, during which transportation is not normally used. This made more vehicles available for the mission, as Jewish religious law permits breaking the Sabbath traditions for saving lives. This operation set a world record for most passengers on an aircraft. The record itself is uncontested, but the number of passengers is unclear: Guinness World Records put the number at 1,088, including two babies who were born on the flight. It noted that contemporary reports cite numbers as low as 1,078 and as high as 1,122. While the airplane was in the air

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44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 (44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5)
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Airplanes Answers
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