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Crostic Botany Level 3 answers

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Botany Level 3

Apples have 25% water in their volume! This is why it can float on water because it's lighter than water. It's probable that many of us already knew that a tomato is a fruit, but pumpkins are, too. It is classified as a fruit by botanists since it is a byproduct of the seed-bearing mechanism of flowering plants. On the other hand, vegetables are the parts of plants that can be eaten, such as the leaves, stems, roots, bulbs, blossoms, and tubers. And if that wasn't mind-blowing enough, bell peppers, cucumbers, avocados, olives, squash, and green beans are a few other fruits you might have mistaken for vegetables. Oranges are a subtropical fruit, not a tropical one, hence the location of their growth affects their color. It doesn't get cold enough in subtropical areas for the skin to turn orange. This means that even when an orange is ripe, it may still be green or yellow. Kiwi is frequently considered a superfood because it has the highest nutritious content of any fruit in your produce department. They are another high-potassium, low-salt option to bananas that has twice the vitamin C of an orange. They contain a variety of additional vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy elements. It can float on water

Fail to restrain or prevent:


Characteristic of a particular place:


The whole number or sum:


Consisting of one piece:


Fuel in a state of combustion:


Atkinson of "Mr. Bean":

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Level 4

Botany Answers
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