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Crostic Chemistry Level 5 answers

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Chemistry Level 5

Bee stings are acidic, while wasp stings are alkaline. Many are familiar with the old adage: "bee stings are acidic so treat them with baking soda (an alkali), but wasp stings are alkali so treat them with vinegar (an acid)". Bee sting venom has a pH between 4.5 and 5.5 – so it is acidic, although not highly acidic (and only slightly more acidic than milk and human saliva). Wasp venom is close to neutral – pH 6.8 – so it is not so alkali as many people may think. The reality is that bee stings are only mildly acidic, and wasp stings are more or less neutral, and both are injected into the skin not onto the skin. It is difficult to imagine how a topical application of baking soda or vinegar could neutralise the venom inside the skin, and a number of sources remain skeptical of efficacy. Furthermore, it is peptides and enzymes that cause pain by damaging cells and neurons, thus sending pain signals to the brain, so the argument that dealing with pain by "neutralizing" the venom seems overly simplistic. Wasp stings are alkaline

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