Crostic Daily July 1 2024 answers
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This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily July 1 2024 answers.
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July 1 2024 Level 1
The popular American hip hop trio "Beastie" initially claimed that the band's name is an acronym representing "Boys Entering Anarchistic States Towards Inner Excellence". However, MCA and Mike D stated at some point that this interpretation was an "afterthought" and was applied after the name Beastie Boys was already taken. The Beastie Boys' first song, titled "Cooky Puss," was a rap track inspired by a sweet treat made by the ice cream cake manufacturer, Carvel. Rap track inspired by a sweet treat
"Blowin' in the ___" by Bob Dylan:
Sport favored by Serena Williams:
Insect that makes short, loud noises:
July 1 2024 Level 2
Zhangye Danxia Landform Geopark, located in Guangdong Province, China, is renowned for its breathtakingly vibrant and multicolored mountain ranges that resemble intricate brush strokes on a canvas. The unique palette of red, orange, and yellow hues is a result of millions of years of geological changes, erosion, and iron impurities in the sandstone formations. Mountain ranges that resemble intricate
Popular game played in retirement homes:
Machine with artificial intelligence:
Mutually beneficial transaction:
"The ___ of the Lambs" (1991 Horror):
It often goes missing at airports:
City known for Gaudi's masterpieces:
July 1 2024 Level 3
A mosquito's proboscis has six needles, two of which have 47 sharp edges to help them easily pierce through skin and even layers of protective clothing in order to draw blood. Help them easily pierce through skin
Who is believed to solve world's problems:
July 1 2024 Level 4
The 14th tee at Brisbane's Carbrook Golf Club is a challenging one because it's close to a 21 hectare, 14 meter deep lagoon that also happens to be the home of twelve fully grown bull sharks. Home of twelve fully grown bull sharks
Sherlock Holmes lived at ___ Street:
Musical instruments playing together:
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