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Crostic Daily November 12 2024 answers

Give your brain some exercise and solve your way through brilliant crosswords published every day! Thank for choosing our site for all the Crostic Daily November 12 2024 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Severex. On this update you will find unique crossword clues for you to solve. Chances are that some of the crossword clues will definitely be difficult for you to solve and you will need our help. This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily November 12 2024 answers. You will be redirected to the appropriate game level after you click any of the crossword clues that we have shared with you.
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November 12 2024 Level 1

Due to the semi-aquatic nature, hippos, or Hippopotamus amphibius, spend the whole day at slow-flowing fresh waters of lakes, stagnant swamps, and rivers that are located throughout the western, eastern and central parts of South Africa. The Greek word “hippopotamos” had an early version of it that sounded like “ho hippos potamios" meaning “the horse of the river". Later, it was transformed into hippos ("horse") plus an adjective from “potamos” that translates as "river, rushing water". Nevertheless, a series of DNA studies revealed that hippos are close relatives of dolphins, whales, artiodactyls (hoofed mammals like sheep, cows, antelopes, etc), and even pigs. Revealed that hippos are close relatives of dolphins

Desperately serious situation:


Beneficiary of estate:


Central point of rotation:


Restock inventory:


Authorized punishment:


Falsehood spreader:


Conclusive and determined:


Solo opera piece:


November 12 2024 Level 2

A male swan is commonly called a "cob" because they do not incubate the eggs in the enclosure. But they do usually swim nearby while guarding the nest from any predators. "Pen" refers to a female swan, and ""cygnets"" refers to the young. Swan males typically weigh between 21 and 38 pounds and are bigger and heavier than female swans. However, without looking inside the bird's vent area, it’s hard to distinguish between a male and a female swan. Incubate the eggs in the enclosure

Commencement of an event:


Greek god of love and sex:


Mind's command center:


Potential but not visible:


Research hospital in NYC:


Light-footed and swift:


Calming and comforting:


Joint that pivots:


Сhief storage form of carbohydrate in plants:


November 12 2024 Level 3

In the past, the population of lions would stretch all the way from the Middle East to the Indian subcontinent. Today, those lions that live in the wild, mostly inhabit different areas of Africa while surviving on a vast variety of terrain - from woodland to open savannas, grasslands, as well as open forestry. Such territories provide an easier access to their primary source of food - large herbivores like zebras, cows, etc. Apart from African lions, there are Asiatic lions that currently live only in the Gir National Park, also called “Sasan Gir”, which had been set up in the western region of India. Although the Gir Forest once was a popular territory where royals would hunt and kill lions, today it’s the heavily guarded forestry that became a safe home for wildlife and endangered animals like Asiatic lions. While surviving on a vast variety of terrain

Gain through effort:


Surrender a claim:


Put at rest or mollify:


Defect or weakness:


Tomb Raider heroine:


Capital in Eastern Europe:


"Age of Anxiety" author:


Series of Lenovo laptops:


November 12 2024 Level 4

Cats have been legally protected in Rome for a very long time. In particular, Law 281 of 1991, which specifies that it is unlawful to forcibly remove and transport cats from the location they have chosen as their sanctuary, safeguards cats under current legislation. As a result, Rome is known as a sanctuary city for stray cats. However, Rome's legislation has been clear since 2005 that it truly loves animals. While each region in the country is in charge of creating its own pet regulations, Italy has national rules for animal rights that uphold European legal requirements for animal care. Specifies that it is unlawful to forcibly remove

Cardiovascular fitness activity:


Scavenger or pathfinder:


Long, legless reptile:


Passerine bird family:


Civil rights principle:


Grassy plain ecosystem:


Reduce from a wild to a domestic state:


Predator's gripping tools:

Daily November 13 2024 Answers

All daily levels
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