Crostic Daily April 13 2023 answers
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April 13 2023 Level 1
In the US, around 90 million chocolate bunnies are produced for Easter yearly, however, despite the bunny's popularity, not every country uses a bunny to deliver Easter eggs. In some parts of Germany, for instance, gift-bearing animals are the Easter Rooster or Easter Fox, and in Switzerland children are raised to believe a cuckoo is the bird that delivers their Easter eggs and treats. Also, in Sweden children dress up as witches and wizards instead of bunnies. In Australia, where rabbits are seen as pests, the Easter Bunny has been replaced by the Bilby (a tiny marsupial with long, rabbit-like ears). Most children in France think that flying church bells visit the Vatican and return with Easter Sunday chocolate gifts. Bunnies are produced for Easter yearly
Like the woman in a Roy Orbison classic:
In may be casual in some places:
Like Stephen King's Pennywise:
April 13 2023 Level 2
Even though we live in the era of mobile devices, many people still link Cleopatra to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. In reality, Cleopatra lived during a period when the famous 7 wonders of an ancient word weren't even built yet. Actually, when the construction of the Great Pyramid was already finished, there were woolly mammoths still walking around Earth. Though we live in the era of mobile
Might be done for record deal:
Small state between hostile nations:
Grain on the back of old pennies:
April 13 2023 Level 3
Congenital amusia is a type of disorder where people have trouble identifying popular songs from their culture, can't tell when notes are out of tune, and occasionally describe music as sounding like banging. Amusia is a type of disorder
April 13 2023 Level 4
The fizzing sound generated by icebergs when they melt is called "The Bergie Seltzer". This noise occurs whenever there is a burst of trapped air bubbles in the ice that have been under pressure for hundreds of years. Generated by icebergs when they melt
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