Crostic Daily June 13 2024 answers
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June 13 2024 Level 1
According to a research study published in the BMC Medicine journal, men and women over the age of fifty who use sauna on a regular basis have much lower chance of getting cardiovascular disease, as well as the mortal rate is lower amongst the frequent sauna goers. Additionally, the study stated that saunas lower blood pressure too. Who use sauna on a regular basis
Actress Lucy ___ ("Kill Bill"):
Trendy neighborhood in London:
___ hour, busy traffic period:
Shiny appearance on the surface:
U.S. president who survived an assassination attempt:
Comprehension of one's position:
June 13 2024 Level 2
In a 2008 car accident, Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman broke his elbow, arm, and shoulder. After four hours of surgery, he still had paralyzed left fingers. He must continue to wear a compression glove to keep the blood flowing in his hand. Legend Morgan Freeman broke his
Twilight's female protagonist:
They influence the body's stress response:
Month of fasting observed by Muslims:
June 13 2024 Level 3
On December 30, 2016, an Indian state of Kerala defied traditional norms by establishing India's first residential school for transgender individuals. Sahaj International, located in Kochi, will function as a skill development center for transgender students who have dropped out of traditional schools. These students will receive training under the National Open School system. School for transgender individuals
Tobacco treats enjoyed by Churchill:
Jessica Simpson's younger sister:
June 13 2024 Level 4
In the Oxford Dictionary, the term "art" is defined in 12 different ways. According to one definition, art is the creation of things like music or objects to express feelings. Another defines art as nothing more than producing visuals or drawings. According to other definitions, art is a performance or an art of words and things. Is the creation of things like music
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