Crostic Daily February 15 2025 answers
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February 15 2025 Level 1
Can you imagine a laughter yoga session? It's a real thing! Laughter yoga combines laughing exercises with deep breathing techniques, promoting physical and emotional well-being. Imagine a laughter yoga session
Slow-moving reptiles with shells:
Causes or provokes a reaction:
Capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte:
Audible exhale expressing frustration or relief:
Mixture used in building to bind bricks together:
February 15 2025 Level 2
Tom Holland used to be made fun of by Michael Keaton during the filming of Spider-Man: Homecoming, the 2017 Marvel blockbuster. Keaton would keep on quoting lines from The Dark Knight. In one particular fight scene, Keaton turned around and murmured "I'm Batman" in an ominous and demonic voice, which startled Holland while he, as Spiderman (Holland), was punching Vulture (Keaton). Used to be made fun of by Michael
Communication technology industry:
Text displayed on screen during a movie or video:
Vietnamese, Tibetans and Mongols:
Walt Frazier, former basketball player:
February 15 2025 Level 3
Our fingertips don't have any muscles that would facilitate movements. Our tendons, bones, and muscles in the palm of our hands play unique roles in allowing us to bend and move our fingers. Have any muscles that would facilitate
Refrain from pressing or enforcing:
Overwhelms with excessive water:
Island and borough of New York City:
Adhering to established legal standards:
February 15 2025 Level 4
Back in the early 1980s, the Germany Lego Factory rewarded employees who dedicated over twenty-five years of service to the company with an exclusive fourteen-carat gold Lego brick. This brick weighs 25.65 g and has the same dimensions and shape as the standard 2 by 4 Lego bricks. It's considered a rare item now and was never sold to the general public. Its approximate value as of today is over $15,000. Germany Lego Factory rewarded employees
Small culinary measuring utensil:
Delay or interruption of progress:
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