Crostic Daily March 17 2024 answers
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March 17 2024 Level 1
To honor the 30th anniversary since entering the Chinese market, Kentucky Fried Chicken collaborated with Huawei on making a limited edition phone model. Anniversary since entering the Chinese
___ Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:
Caribbean country on Hispaniola Island:
Someone who is taller or larger than usual:
Female member of a religious group:
___ Baranski, an American actress:
March 17 2024 Level 2
At Oxford University, a battery-operated bell has been ringing non-stop for more than 175 years now. Nobody has any idea what the battery is composed of and no one wants to disassemble it to find out. Any idea what the battery is composed
Stevie ___, "I just called to say I love you":
South Korean automobile manufacturer:
Language in New Delhi, for example:
Machine with a part that moves around in a circle:
Sum of money paid regularly to a person who has retired:
March 17 2024 Level 3
For many years, villagers in Central China dug up dinosaur bones and used them to make traditional remedies and broth because they thought these bones belonged to magical ancient dragons. China dug up dinosaur bones and used
To destroy something completely:
Doctor's judgment of the likely development of a disease:
March 17 2024 Level 4
The Hubble Space Telescope orbits the planet Earth at a speed of about 24,928 feet (7,600 meters) p/sec while taking images of the stars, planets, other galaxies, etc. Telescope orbits the planet Earth at
Powder, produced by the male part of a flower:
All the music or plays that you can perform:
When you swim, ride a bicycle, run:
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