Crostic Daily February 18 2025 answers
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February 18 2025 Level 1
Zebras and donkeys have the ability to interbreed. The offspring produced from such a union are referred to as "zonkeys". Actually, they are not considered a true species due to their odd number of chromosomes, rendering them incapable of reproduction. Nonetheless, these animals are bred in various zoos and on specialized farms. Despite their rarity, these unique crossbreeds can be found in select locations around the world. Zebras and donkeys have the ability to
Creator of "Little Orphant Annie":
Completely taken aback or shocked:
February 18 2025 Level 2
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, were an oasis of lush greenery and exotic plants built on terraces along the Euphrates River. Historians debate the existence of these gardens, with some theories suggesting they were actually located in Nineveh, not Babylon. Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven
Golden yellow Muppet character:
Online troublemaker seeking attention:
February 18 2025 Level 3
The Brothers Grimm, Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, were initially philologists and researchers who collected fairy tales as part of preserving Germany's cultural heritage. However, their tales were much darker and more gruesome originally, prompting later adaptations and alterations that made them more child-friendly. Grimm, were initially philologists and
Broadcasted on television or radio:
Ancient empire in Southwest Asia:
Informal language or expressions:
___ Exposito, Spanish actress:
Catholic university in Chicago:
February 18 2025 Level 4
Hakarl, a traditional Icelandic dish, involves fermenting and drying the meat of the Greenland shark for several months, resulting in a strong ammonia smell and a pungent taste. Dish, involves fermenting and drying
___ Houdini, artist and illusionist:
___ and Isolde, characters of a medieval romance:
Protective barriers or measures:
Expert enthusiast or connoisseur:
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