Crostic Daily February 19 2025 answers
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Thank for choosing our site for all the Crostic Daily February 19 2025 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Severex.
On this update you will find unique crossword clues for you to solve. Chances are that some of the crossword clues will definitely be difficult for you to solve and you will need our help.
This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily February 19 2025 answers.
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February 19 2025 Level 1
The Italian island of Sicily is known for its unique pastries called cannoli, which consist of crispy tube-shaped shells filled with sweet ricotta or mascarpone cream and often garnished with pistachios or chocolate chips. Island of Sicily is known for its unique
Disturb or hassle continuously:
Having the qualities of water:
1965 epic sci-fi novel by Frank Herbert:
Assign a numerical value to something:
Abnormal or damaged area in tissue or organ:
Small paper or brochure with information:
February 19 2025 Level 2
Did you know that laughter can provide a workout for your abs? When you laugh, your diaphragm and abdominal muscles contract, producing a mini-workout without hitting the gym! Know that laughter can provide a workout
Ed ___, New York's 105th mayor:
French diplomat under under Louis XV:
February 19 2025 Level 3
The pistol shrimp's most remarkable ability is associated with its asymmetrical claws. When the shrimp swiftly shuts its claws, it produces an intense pressure wave that culminates in a loud snapping noise. This snap emits a shockwave capable of stunning or killing prey, rendering the pistol shrimp a highly effective and formidable predator. Furthermore, its punch, faster than a 0.22-caliber bullet, can literally shatter its prey into fragments. Most remarkable ability is associated with
Malleable earth-like substance:
Flightless bird from New Zealand:
Titan was fated to hold up the sky:
Fashionable items representing a brand:
February 19 2025 Level 4
Vampire bat saliva contains a protein that suppresses Factor X, an enzyme integral to the blood coagulation process. These bats, known as sanguivorous or blood-eating bats, utilize this protein as an anticoagulant when they bite their prey. This keeps the blood of prey flowing continuously, facilitating the bat's feeding process. Vampire bat saliva contains a protein that
Fitness exercise involving precise movements:
Subject of wrongdoing or offense:
Pomme de ___ Lake in Missouri:
"The Invisible Man" star Claude ___:
Successor of King David, proverbial for his wisdom:
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