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Crostic Daily December 26 2024 answers

Give your brain some exercise and solve your way through brilliant crosswords published every day! Thank for choosing our site for all the Crostic Daily December 26 2024 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Severex. On this update you will find unique crossword clues for you to solve. Chances are that some of the crossword clues will definitely be difficult for you to solve and you will need our help. This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily December 26 2024 answers. You will be redirected to the appropriate game level after you click any of the crossword clues that we have shared with you.
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December 26 2024 Level 1

Horses have the remarkable ability to nap while standing up. However, this type of sleep occurs during the light phase, known as SWS (short wave sleep). During this phase, they rest and recoup their energy. But for deep, restorative sleep, horses need to lie down. Horses have a remarkable mechanism called the “stay apparatus”, which involves a combination of ligaments, tendons. These muscles allow them to “lock” their leg joints. When a horse relaxes its muscles, the stay apparatus keeps its legs in place, preventing collapse. Have the remarkable ability to nap while

Fictional animated character:


Succulent with healing gel:


Whole and undivided:


Open-minded and patient:


Officially cancel legislation:


Person with unconventional lifestyle:


Critical turning movement:


Tiny imperfection or fold:


December 26 2024 Level 2

The Manx cat breed is renowned for being tailless or having a very short tail, although some Manx cats may have longer tails due to genetic variations. Originating from the Isle of Man, the Manx breed is characterized by its rounded appearance, sturdy build, and playful nature. The absence of a tail in Manx cats is the result of a genetic mutation that affects the development of the spine and tailbone. This mutation, known as "Manx Syndrome," can sometimes lead to health issues such as spinal problems and urinary tract abnormalities, especially in cats with very short or no tails. Despite their lack of a tail, Manx cats are agile, intelligent, and known for their strong bonds with their human companions. Renowned for being tailless or having

City on the Aare River:


Rise rapidly upward:


Determine the heaviness:


Concerned with one's own gain:


Climber's vertical tool:


Spanish city with flamenco roots:


Return to a former state:


December 26 2024 Level 3

Cats typically find the scent of citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, unpleasant. The strong citrus aroma is often off-putting to cats, making it an effective natural repellent to deter them from certain areas or objects. This aversion to citrus scents is commonly used in pet-friendly products to discourage cats from scratching furniture or engaging in other unwanted behaviors. Typically find the scent of citrus fruits

Eye's central aperture:


Represent by a symbol:


Exact adherence to detail:


Noted filmmaker Zack ___:


Inflated excitement:


Send data to the cloud:


Deal with conclusively:


Detroit-based automaker:


December 26 2024 Level 4

European settlers are credited with bringing cats to North America. They likely brought cats aboard their ships to control pests like rodents during their voyages. Once they arrived in North America, cats continued to serve as effective pest controllers, helping to keep rodent populations in check in the new settlements. Over time, cats became an integral part of North American communities, both as working animals and beloved companions. Brought cats aboard their ships to control pests

Designer of something new:


Language spoken in Amsterdam:


Special rights given formally:


Extremely or beyond the norm:


Help in decision-making:


Marilyn Monroe's hair type:


State named for an island:


Element of the unexpected:


Give freely to charity:

Daily December 27 2024 Answers

All daily levels
45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 (45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5)
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