Crostic Daily March 27 2025 answers
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March 27 2025 Level 1
Company Little Riot, based in London, England, developed the wristband known as Pillow Talk. With this device, you can hear a real-time transmission of your loved one's heartbeat in your pillow and vice versa. Based in London, England, developed the
To lean in a position that is not vertical:
Long printed story about imaginary characters and events:
The outer or furthest point of something:
Noticeable jewellery that attracts attention:
Allows to open or close doors, windows:
March 27 2025 Level 2
Richard James, a naval engineer, unintentionally created the Slinky. After he started experimenting with tension springs in 1943, he discovered that even if a spring collapsed, it kept moving. As a result, the Slinky toy was created and became one of the most well-liked toys with children. If a spring collapsed, it kept moving
Imaginary line between the North Pole and the South Pole:
March 27 2025 Level 3
There is one bookstore in Australia where books are wrapped in just plain paper with a brief review printed on the cover. This helps customers choose a book according to its content without judging the book by its cover. Australia where books are wrapped in just
Rubber or silicone bottle topper:
Type of heavy oil used as fuel:
Chandler got trapped in an ATM vestibule with ___ Goodacre:
Belonging to or relating to Wales:
March 27 2025 Level 4
According to the Harvard study from 2016, those people who have no friends may experience the same harm to their health as smoking. Being friendless causes the rise of blood clotting proteins which may result in strokes and heart attacks. Those people who have no friends may
"___ Man", movie with Hoffman and Cruise:
To receive money as payment for work:
The United States House of ___:
Existing or happening in all parts of a particular country:
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