Crostic Daily February 3 2025 answers
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Thank for choosing our site for all the Crostic Daily February 3 2025 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Severex.
On this update you will find unique crossword clues for you to solve. Chances are that some of the crossword clues will definitely be difficult for you to solve and you will need our help.
This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily February 3 2025 answers.
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February 3 2025 Level 1
In the past, cigarettes were only available in vending machines that took quarters and cost 23 cents per pack. Smokers would therefore receive a pack of cigarettes and two Lincoln cents in the cellophane packaging after using a quarter for the cigarette vending machines. Were only available in vending machines that
Study of the Earth's structure:
Calming and comforting feeling:
Citizen soldiers protecting community:
Anxious thoughts causing concern:
Quietly, without making noise:
Diplomatic rank below ambassador:
___ Anderson of "The X-Files":
Preserve and defend resources:
February 3 2025 Level 2
Theodore Roosevelt, who was only 42 years old when he became president, was the nation's youngest leader. After William McKinley, whom he served as vice president, was killed, Roosevelt was elected to the presidential office in 1901. Years old when he became president
Audibly inhale through the nose:
Lacking in some quality or thing:
North Star, celestial navigational guide:
Pseudonym of Charles William Gordon:
February 3 2025 Level 3
Peladophobia is characterized as an irrational fear of bald individuals and baldness. The term originates from "pelado", the Spanish word for bald, and "phobos", denoting fear. Individuals suffering from peladophobia persistently envision themselves becoming bald, a thought that triggers panic attacks. Characterized as an irrational fear
Rich with life-giving potential:
Wildly disordered and unpredictable:
Foggy, unclear visibility in air:
February 3 2025 Level 4
Space is not pitch black. In fact, it is full of scattered light. Distant stars, galaxies, and other bright objects illuminate the cosmos, creating a glow known as background radiation. This diffuse light is called the extragalactic background light and gives the perception that space is not completely dark. Fact, it is full of scattered light
The Little Mermaid, Disney Princess:
Culinary condiments for flavoring:
"Godfather of Harlem" star ___ Whitaker:
Vincent van ___, Dutch painter:
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