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Crostic Daily September 30 2024 answers

Give your brain some exercise and solve your way through brilliant crosswords published every day! Thank for choosing our site for all the Crostic Daily September 30 2024 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Severex. On this update you will find unique crossword clues for you to solve. Chances are that some of the crossword clues will definitely be difficult for you to solve and you will need our help. This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily September 30 2024 answers. You will be redirected to the appropriate game level after you click any of the crossword clues that we have shared with you.
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September 30 2024 Level 1

Prior to becoming the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan was an accomplished actor and football player at Eureka College. However, his most significant job was working as a lifeguard at at Lowell Park in Dixon, Illinois. During his time from 1927 to 1933, when he was employed as a lifeguard, Reagan reportedly saved around 77 lives, which was quite a remarkable feat. Was an accomplished actor and football player

Brief film appearance:


Marlene of classic cinema:


Trick-taking card game of U.S. origin:


Conflict causing tension:


Lively or enthusiastic attitude:


In a prudent manner:


Red wine from Bordeaux:


Welcome with open arms:


September 30 2024 Level 2

Just the same way as people, animals can unite and live in groups. What would you call a group of cats? When adult felines get together, this group is commonly called a “clowder”, which is an English word that initially originated from the word "clotern." It has the same meaning with the other English words like "cluster", "clot", "clutter" that refer to a number of objects coming together or grouped together. Word that initially originated from the word

Be in anticipation of:


Vietnam's capital city:


Opposite of what expected:


Weak or light in sound:


Margin or border area:


Ocean-dwelling mythical figure:


Actress Rita of "West Side Story":


Essential car component:


September 30 2024 Level 3

The song "I Will Always Love You" was originally written and recorded by Dolly Parton in 1973. She wrote it as a farewell to her business partner and mentor, Porter Wagoner, when she decided to pursue a solo career. The song became a hit twice for Parton, first in 1974 and again in 1982. However, the song achieved global fame and became a massive hit when Whitney Houston recorded it for the soundtrack of the 1992 film "The Bodyguard". Was originally written and recorded by

Music and dance nightclub show:


Pattern used for tracing designs:


Science focusing on cells:


Complete or full amount:


Lawman of the Old West:


Pertaining to newborn infants:


Crowded or tightly packed:


Spring-blooming purple shrub:


September 30 2024 Level 4

Sweden's vast archipelago consists of nearly 270,000 islands, comprising about 3% of the country's total area, but only a small fraction of these islands, less than 1000, are inhabited. Only a small fraction of these islands

Legal document of ownership:


String instrument played with bow:


Long-lasting ruling family:


Secret plan or strategy:


Obey rules or guidelines:


High-pitched yell or shriek:


Universal or vast in scale:


Playground equipment for kids:

Daily October 1 2024 Answers

All daily levels
45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 (45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5)
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