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Crostic Daily December 5 2024 answers

Give your brain some exercise and solve your way through brilliant crosswords published every day! Thank for choosing our site for all the Crostic Daily December 5 2024 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Severex. On this update you will find unique crossword clues for you to solve. Chances are that some of the crossword clues will definitely be difficult for you to solve and you will need our help. This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily December 5 2024 answers. You will be redirected to the appropriate game level after you click any of the crossword clues that we have shared with you.
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December 5 2024 Level 1

In Bulgaria, you should be careful when you nod as a sign of an agreement and when you shake your head if you disagree. The customary head gestures for “yes” and “no” are reversed in this region! Nodding your head actually says “no”, and when you shake your head from side to side, you’re affirming with a “yes”. Why is this the case? During the five centuries of Ottoman rule, Bulgarians allegedly swapped the meanings of these gestures. When faced with the choice of converting to Islam, they nodded (which meant “no” in their hearts) to avoid persecution. Another hypothesis links Bulgarian headshaking to the Indian way of expressing agreement. Indians also shake their heads vigorously, often confusing foreigners. Over time, this tradition may have traveled from India to the Balkans. Be careful when you nod as a sign of an agreement

Basic unit of information:


Supplement often used by athletes:


Feeling tired and exhausted:


Control for regulating engine power:


Major American Revolutionary War battle:


Slang for a physically fit person:


Famous golf tournament:


December 5 2024 Level 2

Since ancient Greece and Rome, the soft, elastic skeletal frameworks of some sponges were common in household. These sponges were used for various purposes, including cleaning, scrubbing, and other chores. However, with the advent of modern materials and synthetic substitutes, natural sponges have largely been replaced by manmade alternatives. In the past, people would harvest sea sponges because their unique structure absorbed water well and cleaned surfaces effectively. Today, we rely on synthetic sponges made from materials like foam, cellulose, or plastic polymers. So, next time you’re doing household chores, remember the humble sponge and its long history of service! Elastic skeletal frameworks of some sponges

Activity related to forestry:


High-quality silver, usually 92.5% pure:


Legal document authorizing police action:


Groups of soldiers in the military:


Gift or capacity for excellence:


Symbol of Canada, found on the flag:


Try to achieve or acquire:


Defend or guard with barriers:


December 5 2024 Level 3

According to legend, the men of the Banna people of Ethiopia, who inhabit the arid regions east of the Omo River, stood on stilts to avoid being attacked by wild animals while herding cattle. Why does the Banna tribe walk on stilts? The primary reason young men from the Banna tribe walk on 10-feet-high stilts is to avoid attacks by wild animals and snakes. When herding cattle, being elevated on stilts provides safety from predators. Additionally, unmarried young men take part in stilt-walking during community festivals and rituals. It symbolizes their transition from youth to maturity - a rite of passage. Balancing on the wooden poles shows off their expertise, balance, and physical strength. Stood on stilts to avoid being attacked by wild

Period of time when a single family rules:


Area where the leg meets the foot:


Figure representing temptation or sin:


Emit a soft, steady light:


Elevated platform outside a building:


Model of bones used in anatomy:


Expensive, premium car brand:


Vehicle design with four doors:


December 5 2024 Level 4

The Maasai people, who live in both Kenya and Tanzania, have a unique and captivating tradition known as the Maasai jumping dance or "Adumu". The Adumu is a type of dance performed by young Maasai warriors during ceremonial occasions such as weddings, religious rites, and other significant cultural events. It serves as a rite of passage, welcoming young men to the next stage of their lives. The dance is characterized by a sequence of jumps, performed alternately by the dancers. Traditional Maasai songs and chants accompany the dance. The Maasai warriors are judged based on the height of their jumps and the grace of their movements. The dance is extremely competitive, showcasing their strength, endurance, and bravery. Have a unique and captivating tradition known

Person who lacks courage:


Widespread destruction:


Fundamental particle in physics:


Card game involving betting and strategy:


Nocturnal animal with sharp quills:


Remove something by rubbing:


___ du Soleil, entertainment company from Canada:


Well-known anime character:

Daily December 6 2024 Answers

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