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Crostic Daily October 5 2024 answers

Give your brain some exercise and solve your way through brilliant crosswords published every day! Thank for choosing our site for all the Crostic Daily October 5 2024 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Severex. On this update you will find unique crossword clues for you to solve. Chances are that some of the crossword clues will definitely be difficult for you to solve and you will need our help. This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily October 5 2024 answers. You will be redirected to the appropriate game level after you click any of the crossword clues that we have shared with you.
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October 5 2024 Level 1

In Japan, it is customary to say "itadakimasu" before you begin eating a meal. This phrase expresses gratitude and acknowledges the efforts of those involved in preparing the food, as well as the interconnectedness of all living beings involved in the meal. It is a way of showing respect and appreciation for the food. Way of showing respect and appreciation

Non-flowering woodland plant:


Farm wake-up call:


Pine tree secretion:


Lost or wandering pet:


Enzyme breaking down proteins:


Composer Richard of "Carousel":


Helicopter, informally:


Stiff cotton material:


October 5 2024 Level 2

In Egypt, it is considered impolite and potentially insulting to ask for salt on the table or to add extra salt to your food. The reason behind this cultural norm is that it implies that the food is not properly seasoned or that the host's cooking skills are inadequate. It can be seen as a criticism of the food or an indication that the host has not done a satisfactory job in preparing the meal. Considered impolite and potentially insulting

"Summertime ____" by Lana Del Ray:


Showing reluctance:


1.5 litres wine bottle:


Similarity in concept:


Sisterhood in college:


High-end jewelry brand:


Highly concentrated and strong:


Hair-styling tool:


Without any value:


October 5 2024 Level 3

In Greece, eggs are dyed red as part of the Easter celebrations, which is the most significant religious holiday in the Greek Orthodox Church. The red color symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ, who was crucified and resurrected during the Easter period. The tradition of dyeing eggs red is a way for Greek people to honor the sacrifice of Jesus and to celebrate the miracle of his resurrection. These red eggs are often used in various customs and games during the Easter festivities, such as the “tsougrisma” game, where participants tap their eggs against each other to see whose egg remains uncracked, symbolizing good luck and blessings for the year ahead. Tradition of dyeing eggs red is a way

Rise swiftly like an eagle:


Roman goddess of the hunt:


European microstate in the Pyrenees:


Cycle of turning:


Rio ___, 4th longest river in the U.S.:


Maintain possession of:


What's meant to be:


Army ground troops:


Place for socks and shirts:


October 5 2024 Level 4

The Songkran Festival in Thailand is often referred to as the world's largest water fight! Songkran is the Thai New Year celebration, which takes place from April 13th to 15th. During the festival, people engage in playful water splashing and dousing each other with water using buckets, water guns, and hoses. This water fight symbolizes the washing away of bad luck and sins from the previous year, and it's believed to bring good fortune and blessings for the new year. Engage in playful water splashing and dousing

Beach athlete:


Swedish city on the Baltic Sea:


Innovator in home appliances:


Genealogical background:


Roam aimlessly:


Ecclesiastical unit of area:


Saint known as "The Little Flower":

Daily October 6 2024 Answers

All daily levels
44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 (44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5)
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