Crostic Daily December 8 2023 answers
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Thank for choosing our site for all the Crostic Daily December 8 2023 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Severex.
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This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Crostic Daily December 8 2023 answers.
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December 8 2023 Level 1
According to the Oxford University study from 2013, men need at least two "boys' night outs" per week to maintain their health. Oxford University study from
Device to muffle the sound of a musical instrument:
False friends are worst than bitter ____ (Scottish Proverb):
A person who travels for pleasure:
One who lives permanently in a place:
___ Day, early collaborator with Prince:
___ populi, a popular opinion:
December 8 2023 Level 2
Over 599 miles (965 kilometers) of roads in France are being covered with solar panels as part of a project initiated by the Ministry of Environment, Energy, and The Toothpick Capita the Sea. They anticipate that at least 5 million people will get access to affordable, green energy in the next 5 years or so. Being covered with solar panels
Cut off hair close to the skin:
Online personal or professional journal:
Best Actress winner for "Erin Brockovich":
December 8 2023 Level 3
All 10 people, who have been known for having the longest lifespan, were all women who passed away in the age range from 116 to 122. Been known for having the longest
A liquid, without colour or taste:
Minions, Joachim, or Bane responsibility:
WALL-E, Bender, or Terminator:
A large craft for travel by water:
December 8 2023 Level 4
In Bolivia, most local families keep a dried llama fetus under the base of their dwellings for good luck. Such a fetus can only be found for sale at the local witch markets in Bolivia, where you can also buy toad talismans, owl feathers, magic stone amulets, etc. Most local families keep a dried llama
Queen's consultant in "Snow White":
An occurrence of menstruating:
A short printed publication without cover:
All daily levels