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Crostic Health Level 2 answers

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Health Level 2

Laughing 100 times is equivalent to 15 minutes of exercise on a stationary bike. Laughter is good for your heart and has been shown to reduce stress. Studies show having a smile on your face can release endorphins, which make you feel better and help boost your mood and improve sleep. If you are able to put a smile on your face, the laughter will come more easily and the stress will melt more readily. When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol. Because it’s known as the stress hormone, cortisol gets a bad rap, but it plays an important role in the body. It helps manage blood sugar levels, reduces inflammation, manages metabolism, and triggers the fight or flight response in your body at critical times. But too much cortisol and your body feels that stress. Laughter is one of the ways your body can help regulate cortisol. Laughing increases your oxygen intake, which stimulates body circulation and decreases your cortisol levels. Some studies show that just the act of laughing—without having humor in it—can have positive stress-relieving effects. Some of the other benefits of laughter also include boosting your immune system, a defense against infectious organisms entering through the respiratory tract, a lowering of your blood pressure and increasing of your vascular blood flow. Exercise on a stationary bike

Public performance:


Line of railroad cars:


LOL for one:


Close at hand:


Stopping place:


Open cargo container of a vehicle:


Express something using words:


Slender piece of wood:

44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 (44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5)
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Level 3

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