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Crostic History Level 2 answers

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History Level 2

Cleopatra had Greek ancestors! As far as historians can tell, partially Egypt's famous femme fatale was actually Greek. When Alexander the great passed away in 323 BCE in Babylon, his entire empire was divided between his generals. Ptolemy I Soter, a pure Macedonian Greek, companion and historian of Alexander, received Egypt. Ptolemy I Soter was the founder of the Ptolemy Dynasty. Cleopatra was born in 69 BCE, to Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra V (members of the Ptolemy dynasty preferred incest to preserve the purity of their bloodline) in Alexandria, Egypt. She was the 2nd daughter of Ptolemy XII. She was the 7th descendant of the Ptolemy dynasty, inheriting the name Cleopatra VII, simply known as Cleopatra. So, it's clear that Cleopatra was not an Egyptian but a Macedonian Greek. She was the last descendant of the Macedonians to rule Egypt. She ruled Egypt for 21 years. Although she wasn't an Egyptian, she was the only one in her family who learned the Egyptian language. Apart from Egyptian, she also knew many other languages and she was also a naval commander. Cleopatra was known for her administrative skills and intellectual personality which made her even more desirable. She was highly accomplished as a human being and garnered the respect of all her subjects. She was even worshipped by Egyptians for over 400 years. Femme fatale was actually Greek

Thoroughfare for travel:


Situation in which you are protected from harm:


Opening in a wall or fence:


Lay out and construct:


A job or series of related jobs:


Efficient or helpful:

44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 (44 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5)
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Level 3

History Answers
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