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Crostic History Level 3 answers

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History Level 3

Did you know Abraham Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame? Lincoln had only one loss among his around 300 contests. He earned a reputation for this in New Salem, Illinois, as an elite fighter. Most notable among Lincoln’s athletic endeavors as a young man was wrestling. He competed in wrestling matches for more than a decade of his youth and rarely lost. His abilities were formally recognized by the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, which inducted him as an "Outstanding American" in the sport in 1992. A mural of Lincoln engaged in a wrestling match adorns the wall just inside the front doors of the Hall of Fame museum in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The best-known story about Lincoln and wrestling dates to 1830, shortly after he had moved to New Salem, Illinois. A group of tough and rugged young men, the Clary’s Grove gang, tested the 22-year-old newcomer, who, unlike them, didn’t drink and was fond of reading books. Lincoln soon found himself agreeing to wrestle Jack Armstrong, leader of the gang and the toughest of that rowdy bunch from the nearby settlement of Clary’s Grove. Some accounts have Lincoln "throwing" Armstrong and winning the match; others say Lincoln lost; still others say they wrestled to a stalemate. Either way, he acquitted himself well, earning the respect of Armstrong and his followers and establishing himself high in the male hierarchy of the community. Had only one loss

Periods of time that a week is divided into:


Medieval or ancient:


Woman of superior social position:


Verb used for saying what you intend to do:


The Microsoft of the electronics industry:


Cause to issue:

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Level 4

History Answers
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