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Crostic Interesting Level 5 answers

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Interesting Level 5

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. Ostrich also possess the largest eyes of any bird. Their eyes are about 2 inches in diameter, the size of a pool ball. This makes them five times larger than human eyes. Those huge eyes aren’t just for show either—ostriches have fantastic vision. The birds can see for long distances, thanks to their height and sharp eyes, allowing them to spot predators before they get too close. Overall, birds tend to have smaller brains than mammals of a similar size. A study from 2008 did suggest that an ostrich’s brain is slightly underdeveloped as compared to the brains of a duck, goose, and stork. Ostrich brains are about 1.5 inches wide, according to the study. They are also about 17 times lighter than the brains of the three other species on average. Compared to their body weight, the brain of the ostrich weighed less when compared to the brain-to-body weight ratio of the other birds. What makes these birds unique is some other facts about them. This great bird has only two toes while all other birds have three or four. Ostriches kick forward, not backward, because that's the direction in which their knees bend. Also ostriches never need to drink water - some of it they make internally, and the rest is derived from the vegetation they eat. Bigger than its brain

Place of beginning:


Process or method of one that trains:


Equivalent to the sum of one and two:


Box used for storage:


Time from dusk to dawn:

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