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Crostic Mathematics Level 1 answers

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Mathematics Level 1

Shuffle a pack of cards really thoroughly and theres'a greater chance than not that the exact sequence in the deck has never been seen before in all of recorded history. All 7.8 billion people in the world shuffle decks of cards. You find a four of hearts on top. One out of 52 other people will also have a four of hearts on top, that’s 150 million. Next you find the Jack of spades as the second card. Now 3 million other people have decks that start with 4 of hearts and Jack of Spades. Your third card is Jack of diamonds, and now you match with 60,000 other people. After the fourth card your deck matches 1,200 other people, after the fifth 25 others and after the sixth card you are the only person on Earth whose deck starts with those six cards. Now everyone on Earth reshuffles. If anyone matches your first six cards we check to see if they also match your seventh card. One time in 46 someone will. If the shuffles are done once per second, you will get someone on Earth who matches your first seven cards about once every 90 seconds. One time in 45, about once an hour, that person will also match your first eight cards. One time in 44, about once every two days, that person will match your first nine. For the first ten cards, 85 days. For the first eleven cards, 10 years. For the first twelve cards, 421 years. For the first thirteen cards, 17,300 years. So even with everyone on Earth shuffling once per second for 17,300 years, we only expect one person to even match your first 13 cards; there’s still three-quarters of the deck to go. Pack of cards really thoroughly

Occurring at a later time:


Of a productive kind:


In or at that place:


Card game in which players try to win money:


Preparatory or high school:


Use a name for someone/something:


Systematic statement of a body of law:


Make available for use:


Deny access to:

45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 (45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5)
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Level 2

Mathematics Answers
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