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Crostic Mathematics Level 2 answers

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Mathematics Level 2

The numeral 4 is associated in Japanese and Chinese cultures with "death" (Many Chinese hospitals do not have a 4th floor). Everything from Japan seems to have come from China in one way or another, and unlucky number four is no exception. In fact, China spread this superstition around to many other Asian countries as well, basically any Asian country who borrowed kanji or created their own language with Chinese as a base. The quick version of why the number four is unlucky is that it sounds just like the word for death. Because the number four is considered unlucky on such a broad scale, you'll see many examples of this fear in daily life across almost all East-Asian cultures. You never want to give four of something (try three or five instead). Elevators will often be missing a fourth floor. In extreme cases, floors 40-49 (and sometimes any floor with a four in it) will also be missing. This is similar to how some buildings will skip the 13th floor in Western cultures. In China, military aircrafts start with the number 5, as in the "Shenyang J-5. Taiwanese and South Korean Navies don't use the number 4 for their pendant numbers. Sometimes in Korea the fourth floor will be labeled "F" instead of 4. Korail (Korea's national railroad company) skipped locomotive number 4444. Hospitals do not have

The United _____ of America:


Just gone or elapsed:


Parts of a whole:


The mascot of the University of Tennessee:


Soon after that:


Abstain from:

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