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Crostic European flora Level 9 answers

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European flora Level 9

Isoplexis canariensis is an endemic plant species found exclusively in the Canary Islands, an archipelago located off the northwest coast of Africa. It is believed to be one of the last remaining species of its genus and is considered a relic of the Tertiary period. What makes Isoplexis canariensis particularly intriguing is its restricted distribution within the Canary Islands. It is primarily found in the higher altitudes of the islands, specifically on steep slopes and rocky cliffs. The plant has adapted to these challenging environments, with its robust stems and leathery, silver-green leaves helping it withstand strong winds and dry conditions. The Bellbird plant produces striking tubular orange or red flowers that attract pollinators, such as birds and insects. Its flowers, along with its unique foliage, contribute to its visual appeal and make it a sought-after species among plant enthusiasts. Due to its limited range and vulnerability to habitat loss and climate change, Isoplexis canariensis is considered a protected species. Conservation efforts are in place to ensure the survival of this unique plant and its associated biodiversity. Endemic plant species found exclusively

Like water for plants:


Evergreen tree often found in forested areas:


Part of a tree:


Aquatic plant with large distinctive flowers:


Tree known for its vibrant autumn foliage:


Succulent plant typically found in arid regions:


Spread over or stretch like fields:


Flower with showy petals:


Aromatic herb used in teas and toothpastes:


Perennial plant with colorful petals and a yellow center:

41 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 41 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 41 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 41 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 41 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5 (41 votes, average: 3,50 out of 5)
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European flora Level 10

European flora Answers
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