Crostic Holy Trees Level 2 answers
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Holy Trees Level 2
One small tree said, "You know, I would like to be a baby's cradle. I have seen people come into this forest with babies. I think a baby is the sweetest thing I have ever seen in my life and I want to be made into an infant's bed." The second tree chimed in, expressing its dissatisfaction, "I must say, that idea doesn't appeal to me at all. I aspire to be something truly significant. I yearn to transform into a magnificent vessel, robust and majestic. It would be an honor to sail across vast oceans, bearing precious cargoes of treasures." The third small tree stood alone, seemingly lost in contemplation, yet remained silent. "Tell us, what do you aspire to become?" inquired the Mother tree. "Do you not have any dreams for the days to come?" "No dreams," he replied, "except to remain on this hillside and point men to God. What can be anything more fulfilling than that?" The Mother tree gazed at him tenderly. "What, indeed?" she said. I have seen people come into this forest
A long narrow strip used to decorate a Christmas tree:
A ___ mantle is where all the Xmas stockings are hung:
A Christmas flower, the Star of Bethlehem:
Holy Trees Answers