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Crostic Landmarks Level 13 answers

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Landmarks Level 13

Stonehenge is believed to have been constructed between 3000 BCE and 2000 BCE, making it over 4,000 years old. Its exact purpose and the methods used to build it are still a subject of speculation and debate. The monument consists of large standing stones arranged in a circular pattern. The outer circle is made up of upright stones called sarsens, while the inner circle contains smaller stones known as bluestones. The largest sarsen stone at Stonehenge, known as the Heel Stone, weighs around 30 tons and stands over 5 meters (16 feet) tall. It is aligned with the sunrise during the summer solstice, marking an important celestial event. The bluestones used in the construction of Stonehenge were sourced from quarries in the Preseli Hills in Wales, located approximately 240 kilometers (150 miles) away. The transportation of these massive stones remains a mystery, as it would have required significant effort and organization. Stonehenge is aligned with several astronomical events, including the summer and winter solstices. During the summer solstice, the rising sun aligns with the Heel Stone and shines directly into the center of the monument. The purpose of Stonehenge is still uncertain, but various theories suggest it may have served as a burial site, a ceremonial gathering place, an astronomical observatory, or a place of healing and spiritual rituals. Stonehenge became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986, recognizing its cultural and historical importance. It is also protected as a Scheduled Ancient Monument under UK law. Believed to have been constructed

Copenhagen's __ Gardens:


Metric measures:


Largest U.S. city hospital:


Expedition of the 12th century:


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Extract by melting:


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