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Crostic Royals in the XIX Level 3 answers

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Royals in the XIX Level 3

Albert I, Prince of Monaco (1848-1922) was a remarkable figure in the history of Monaco and a pioneer in oceanography. Born on November 13, 1848, in Paris, France, Albert Honoré Charles Grimaldi was the son of Prince Charles III and Princess Antoinette de Merode. He became the reigning Prince of Monaco on June 10, 1889, after the death of his father, Charles III. Albert I was a dedicated scientist and explorer. He founded the Oceanographic Institute in 1906, which included the world-renowned Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. He organized and participated in numerous scientific expeditions, including four major oceanographic campaigns aboard his research vessel, the "Hirondelle." Albert I was a member of several prestigious scientific societies, such as the French Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of London. He was a strong advocate for peace and diplomacy. In 1903, he established the International Institute of Peace in Monaco, which aimed to promote peaceful resolutions to conflicts. Albert I was a patron of the arts and supported the construction of the Monte Carlo Opera House, which was completed in 1879. He married Lady Mary Victoria Hamilton in 1869, but the couple separated soon after. They had one son, Louis II, who succeeded him as Prince of Monaco. Albert I later married Alice Heine, an American-born French socialite, in 1889. They had no children together. Albert I passed away on June 26, 1922, in Paris, leaving a lasting legacy in the fields of oceanography, diplomacy, and the arts. Remarkable figure in the history of Monaco

Having had an existence of many years:


Tradition that has grown up around something:


Historical period of 100 years:


One of the four ages of a Hindu world cycle:


Period of long duration:


Gap in a manuscript, inscription, or text:


Traditional customs, tales, dances, or art forms preserved:


Summary of a textual source:

45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 (45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5)
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Royals in the XIX Level 4

Royals in the XIX Answers
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