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Crostic Royals in the XIX Level 6 answers

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Royals in the XIX Level 6

George I of Greece (1845-1913) was a Danish prince who became the King of Greece in 1863, following the deposition of King Otto. Born as Prince William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, he was a member of the Danish royal family and a distant relative of the British and Russian royal families. George I was elected as the King of Greece by the Greek National Assembly after the previous ruler, King Otto, was deposed due to his autocratic rule and lack of support from the Greek people. His reign began on October 31, 1863, and lasted for nearly 50 years, making him one of the longest-reigning monarchs in modern European history. George I was known for his dedication to the Greek people and his efforts to modernize the country. He worked to improve infrastructure, education, and the economy. During his reign, Greece expanded its territory through the acquisition of Thessaly (1881) and parts of Epirus and Macedonia (1913) after the Balkan Wars. George I survived an assassination attempt in 1898, but was ultimately assassinated in 1913 by a mentally unstable man named Alexandros Schinas. His son, Constantine I, succeeded him as the King of Greece. George I's descendants continue to play a significant role in European royalty, with many of them marrying into other royal families. Was a Danish prince who became the King

Solomon's forte:


Reference to the published or unpublished source:


Guardian or protector:


Roman family name:


Supercontinent that existed from the end of the Permian:


Separate continental plate that existed from the Latest Precambrian:


Legal grant of authority or rights:


Archipelago that developed on the eastern side of Pangaea:

45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 (45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5)
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Royals in the XIX Level 7

Royals in the XIX Answers
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