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Crostic Royals in the XIX Level 8 answers

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Royals in the XIX Level 8

Abdul Hamid II (1842-1918) was the 34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, reigning from 1876 to 1909. Born on September 21, 1842, in Istanbul, Abdul Hamid II was the son of Sultan Abdulmejid I and his wife Tirimüjgan Kadın. He was well-educated, with a strong interest in the arts, literature, and military science. Abdul Hamid II became the Sultan after the deposition of his brother, Murad V, due to mental illness. He ascended the throne on August 31, 1876. Shortly after his ascension, Abdul Hamid II introduced the first Ottoman constitution, known as the Kanûn-ı Esâsî, on December 23, 1876. This marked the beginning of the First Constitutional Era, which aimed to modernize the empire and establish a constitutional monarchy. In 1878, Abdul Hamid II suspended the constitution and dissolved the parliament, citing external threats and internal unrest. He ruled as an absolute monarch for the next 30 years, centralizing power and implementing various reforms. During his reign, Abdul Hamid II focused on modernizing the empire's infrastructure, including the construction of the Hejaz Railway, which connected Damascus to Medina. He also established schools, hospitals, and telegraph lines. Abdul Hamid II's reign saw a series of massacres against the Armenian population in the empire, particularly between 1894 and 1896. These events, known as the Hamidian massacres, resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Armenians. In 1908, the Young Turk Revolution led by the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) forced Abdul Hamid II to restore the constitution and reconvene the parliament, ending his absolute rule. In 1909, following a failed counter-coup, Abdul Hamid II was deposed and replaced by his younger brother, Mehmed V. He spent the rest of his life in exile at the Beylerbeyi Palace in Istanbul, where he died on February 10, 1918. Sultan of the Ottoman Empire

Supercontinent that existed in the Late Precambrian:


Letter before iota:


Any display of a list of events in chronological order:


Type of sovereign state made up of multiple territories:


Period of flourishing as of a person:


Presaging ill fortune or trouble:

45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5 (45 votes, average: 3,40 out of 5)
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Royals in the XIX Level 9

Royals in the XIX Answers
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