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Crostic Unique flowers Level 12 answers

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Unique flowers Level 12

Golden Fuchsia, scientifically known as Fuchsia fulgens, is a dazzling flowering plant with ability to attract pollinators with its showy blooms and nectar-rich flowers. The Golden Fuchsia is native to Mexico and Central America, where it thrives in the mountainous regions and cloud forests. It is a perennial plant that belongs to the family Onagraceae and is closely related to the more commonly known Fuchsia varieties. The flowers of the Golden Fuchsia are trumpet-shaped, with long, slender petals that curl back to reveal the reproductive parts of the flower. The vibrant golden color, often with hints of orange or red, makes the blooms highly attractive to pollinators such as hummingbirds and butterflies. Golden Fuchsia plants are typically medium-sized, reaching heights of around three to four feet (approximately one to 1.2 meters). The Golden Fuchsia is not only appreciated for its aesthetic appeal but also for its potential medicinal properties. Some traditional medicinal practices utilize various parts of the plant, including the leaves and flowers, to prepare herbal remedies. It is believed to possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and extracts from the plant have been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. Petals that curl back to reveal the reproductive

Blossfeldia is the smallest ___ in the world:


Aphids, ants, beetles:


Delicate blue flower found in meadows and grasslands:


Pillow-filling fiber, lighter than cotton:


Ovule producing part of a flower:


Leaves covered with stiff hair or bristles:


Of several kinds, like types of plants :


Flower segment:

42 votes, average: 3,60 out of 5 42 votes, average: 3,60 out of 5 42 votes, average: 3,60 out of 5 42 votes, average: 3,60 out of 5 42 votes, average: 3,60 out of 5 (42 votes, average: 3,60 out of 5)
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Unique flowers Level 13

Unique flowers Answers
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